domingo, 12 de junho de 2011

Causes of deaths around the world.

Click on the image above to see it in full size.
Check out your future.

10 comentários:

  1. wow that's just depressing XD but thanks for sharing. followed!

  2. I will be fine if I do lots of cardio and wear sunscreen.

  3. Cheio de comentário de gringo hein?!
    Já estou te seguindo, não se esquece de colocar um pouco de conteúdo brasileiro!

  4. So much... suicide. That's really sad.
    Also, many years ago I read that more people died crushed from a Coca-cola machine than from Anthrax, when it was happening that terrorism alert.
    Sometimes, we don't need to concern about media bullshit.

  5. yeah, how "NeedignAnNickame" say'd. Suicide in numbers very excessive, its so.. sad.

  6. O câncer realmente é um problema que deve ser combatido.

    Seguindo o blog!
